
Monday, March 19, 2012

How to get into German University

                                   Germany / Deutschland                                           

My name is Umar Usman Khan and I want to help and guide those students and professionals who want to come to Germany for their further education in any field of study. The information will guide you to reach your chosen German University from the PC on which you are sitting right now at your home. And let me tell you one thing that Life is too short and wishes are too many but why we can stop dreaming. If further education is your goal and dream and you can not afford fees on your further education than you are coming to right place, as Germany is a land of innovation, invention and ideas and is a most preferred destination for foreign students. 
            Internationally, Germany is one of the most popular countries (along with the USA and the UK ) for students from all over the world to take admissions. The Heidelberg University, University of Berlin, University of Bremen, University of Leipzig, Frankfurt University, Technical university of Darmstadt, etc. are some of the best centers of education in the world.                     

EU-EEA Citizens:

            If you are a citizen of the EU-EEA and in the case your study course is subjected to registration quotas, you must submit your application through the ZVS ("Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Studiengängen"). Additional information is available at Citizens of the EU-EEA can freely come and study in Germany with very few formalities to undertake, provided that they comply with basic entry requirements (secondary school diploma or equivalent for example). A valid passport, proof of enrollment in a German school or university as well as sufficient financial guarantees are required. Citizens of the EU-EEA can also benefit from the ERASMUS programme in Germany. The ERASMUS programme is designed for students of the EEA-EU plus Turkey wishing to study in an other EU-EEA country. You can find more information about the ERASMUS programme and the ERASMUS grants available directly through your home university or by visiting the European Commission website at      

Non EU citizens:

           First step to get into German university for your Master Degree is your Bachelor Degree, your IELTS score of minimum 6.0, your passport, your transcripts and certificates ( attested ), your passport size pics, your Reference letters from your Professors.
           Second step is now to apply online into German Universities. I advice you to apply into at least four or five Universities because competition is too high and lot of students are applying. If you get admission in more than one University than chose the best one which perfectly match your course you have chosen. You can also change your University after reaching Germany with in One year of time. here is the link to quickly apply to any German university and your desired course.                 
There are many universities in which you can apply directly and few in which you have to apply through Uni assist Germany. Please find the link below 
            Third step is after you get your admission letter by post or by email. Now you have to prepare your Visa documents. List of Visa documents are different for different countries. Please check the German embassy website for your country where you will find details of documents and Visa form which you have to fill by yourself in Bold letters. The visa form has to be filled mostly by typing so i suggest you to use Foxit PDFs editor for this task. List of documents for Visa

  • Three Application Forms
  • Four Passport Size Photos
  • Valid Passport
  • Relitives Living Outside Germany
  • Security Questionnaire
  • Applicants Declaration
  • Admission Letter (Orignal + 2 copies)
  • CV
  • Documents (Original And 2 Copies)
  • Proof Of Financial Statement
  • IELTS Orignal and 2 copies
  • Health insurance
   Along with your visa documents you have to submit detail of your Deutsch bank account which will contain at least 7,800 Euros. You have to open your Deutsch Bank account by visiting Deutsch bank near you. This amount you have to transfer into your Deutsch bank account.  I advice you to Google it.             
 Now after getting your Visa and reaching Germany you have to do some work in first week.
1: Register yourself at your City Registration Office. 
2: Go to International Academic relation office at your University and register yourself by showing your documents and admission letter.
3: Go to your Deutsch bank and inform them about your arrival.
4: Go to Insurance company for your Insurance which is mandatory in Germany. You can go for AOK or TK. 
5: Go to studentenwerk office which will provide you with your hostel accommodation. I advice you to send your filled form for room reservation before you come to Germany Google studentenwerk (your city where you are moving) and you will find your university studentenwerk office.. Here you can find the form and other details 
You can also search accomodation through these links. I advice you not to trust anyone if some one asks for advance payment before you arrive Germany. After signing a contract you have to submit your deposit and bank detail to them and money will be automatically deducted every month.  

Now get ready to study in the world of Science and fast growing technology with degree of freedom of your choice.

Life in Germany :

   In Germany life for students are much easier than anywhere else. Germany is beautiful and thrilling country. Its culture is perfect and one can enjoy a nice time of his/her life here. Beautiful places, free education for students, free traveling as a student and lot of job opportunities are the major attractions for foreign students. You will find the cheap food which is very affordable for every one, good public transportation. After reaching Germany you can find any connection about trains and buses any time on the following websites 

Like every country as a student you will enjoy your life here. Life standard is perfect for everyone. Germans are very straightforward and punctual.                        

German Culture:

        Every culture has its own beauty and its own importance. German culture is  also attractive and you will meet lot of good families. They are caring,loving and will always stand beside you in difficult situations. They have their own way of celebrations of Chirastmas, New year, Fasching, valentines day and many more.Germans almost always address people they have just met (or people they work with) with their last name. They may not even know that person's first name.Like almost every language other than English, German makes a distinction between the formal you (Sie) and the familiar you (du). Few Germans say grace, but they almost always say "Guten Appetit!" before everyone at the table begins eating.Soft-boiled eggs are part of a continental breakfast. Place the egg in an egg cup before tapping the top with your knife or egg spoon and peeling the shell. Some Germans frown on cutting off the tip, but it's OK to do so.I have personlay seen the both ways.Few Germans are churchgoers. Their beautiful churches and cathedrals serve mainly as tourist attractions.Many Germans, especially in the east, do not believe in God, and do not take the Bible literally, even if they have ever read it, which is rather unlikely. Many German couples, even those with children, live together without getting married. The percentage of unmarried couples is much higher in Germany than in the US.Prostitution is tolerated and there are legal, regulated red-light districts in almost any larger German city.Although there is a large minority Muslim (Turkish) population in Germany, attempts to build mosques in Cologne and other German cities have met with resistance.


Learning German Language:

 It is very easy to learn any language. So learn a bit German language at start will help you in daily routine works and jobs. 

Driving in Germany:

    As a non EU citizen you must have to pass a driving test to get a driving licence which is not difficult. Please visit the following to check more details 
For EU citizens who just have to exchange their driving licence 

Cost/Expenses Per month as a Student: 

     As a student at least you need 600 Euros per month to live healthy and happy. But it does not mean that you will pay all from your account only but definitely you will earn money through student jobs. 


Student Jobs:

     You can work as a student 90 full days per year or 180 half days which is enough parallel to your studies. Mostly student do their HIWI (jobs with professors e.g programming, Networking) jobs. As a student you can earn 10 Euros per hour or more upto 15 Euros. 

Paid Internships:

 Internship is mandatory for your Master degree completion in Germany. You will get a 6 months paid internship. Minimum amount per month you can get is 700 Euros and max upto 2000 Euros as an Internee.
An internship is an agreement between you and a company or organization for a fixed period of time, such as a semester or quarter. You agree to work for them and they agree to mentor and teach you; internships can offer valuable insight into a particular field or career. Many internships are organized through colleges and high school programs. Many companies go on to hire their successful intern's full time.
A student gets to learn ample amounts from an internship, be it the work, the work culture, the experience, the office atmosphere etc.

Sport Facilities:     

         Germans love sports and mot of them do it for fitness. In every university you will find sport centers which include all the games. Most of the games are free of cost but some of them which require proper training have fees which is only 10 to 15 Euros for 6 months. Football is the most facinating and favourite game of Germans.

Why to choose Germany:

          There are a great number of reasons why students from Pakistan should
consider the possibility of taking a course in a German university.

1) Study in German is FREE of charge, i.e. students just to take care of
their living expenses and accommodation, which should amount to approx. 1000 German Marks.

2) More and more universities are offering MS degree courses
in English language as they have realized that it is extraordinary essential
to adopt English as the teaching language if they wish to attract
international students.

3) Some universities are even offering BSc courses   
with English as the medium of instruction.

4) The standard of teaching and
research in German universities is ranked among one of the best institutions in the world. Let me repeat that IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO LEARN/SPEAK GERMAN for the purpose of study in most universities.

Excellent Academic Standard The world-renowned tradition of German Universities dates back to the 14th century and ensures an outstanding level of education and research. Products of German companies, especially machine tools, motor vehicles and electrical engineering products are leading in the international market.


  Please feel free to contact me for any queries and help. I will be happy to help you as i also had a tough time while coming to Germany. So now i want other students to suffer less.